Sunday 25 September 2016

Dóchas begins new Season this Wednesday!

2016/2017 Drama Season will begin with an informal meeting on 
Wednesday 28th September @ 8pm in KILLARNEY AVENUE HOTEL

Please come along if you are interested in becoming involved.

Informal discussion, theatre games, introductions, plans!!

Saturday 24 September 2016

Final edition of Words and Music in the Library

Ronnie Moore joined Dochas members for the final night of "Words and Music in the Library".

A well-known singer/songwriter, she entertained the audience with a selection of her own compositions and explained the situations which inspired the writing.

The audience joined us in singing some French "rounds" to celebrate Bastille Day.
A selection of poems, monologues and scenes by the members completed the programme.

Ronnie Moore and Dochas members including Brid Sugrue who recounted one of her brother, Eamon Kelly's stories,
Liz, Patricia, Mabel and Don in a scene from "The Trial of Sir Walter Raleigh".